Sales Communications – Double Down on Your Influence

Sales … Double Down on Your Influence

 Effective Communications Skills Are Paramount For Success in Sales

Sales professionals’ communication style and skills have the opportunity to positively or negatively impact your prospect. There are no second chances in sales communications. In those critical moments, you want to ensure your sales executives and sales team clearly connect, influence and negotiate effectively and profitably.

Profitable Communications LLC creates and presents custom sales communication and sales presentation training programs tailored to your organization.

Sales Presentation Skills: World-class products, services and solutions deserve world-class sales presentations

Would your sales team and managers increase their sales if they were more effective presenters, who distinguished themselves by being more focused on the customer, persuasive, clear, concise, and reliable?

Executive Presentation Skills Training 

Executives regularly have high-stakes, mission-critical presentation demands placed on them. Executives must be able to formally and informally communicate their organization’s vision, values, direction, decisions, expectations, and performance results with credibility and personal power.

Executive Sales Communication Skills Training

Many companies are finding that “selling higher” to C-Level executives has become a business imperative. Without achieving that major move up, they face increasing commoditization at their traditional buyer levels. Getting to higher C-Level decision makers and economic executive buyers is no longer optional. That move up, of course, is far easier said than done. Few can accomplish it without specialized skill development.

Presenting Your Ideas at the Executive Level.

Presenting to executives is not easy.  Expectations are extremely high.  Executives expect presentations made to them to be crisp, clear, and credible, with the content precisely centered on their needs. Executives also expect the presenter to display a strong executive presence, whether the presenter is actually an executive or not.

Winning Sales Presentation Skills Training: How to Win “Finalist” Presentations.

Whether you are asked to participate in what are known as finalist presentations, team interviews, or “bake-offs,” you will be engaged in a form of communication that represents some of the highest stakes in the business world. Weeks, months, and even years of sales efforts, RFPs, proposals, and re-proposals are weeded down by the buyers into a final short list of competitors. Each of these competitors then must deliver a formal, final presentation to the buyers before a decision is made on which company will win the business. We have zeroed in on the few critical best practices that will give you the competitive edge you need to win when it is a “make-or-break” deal.


Technical Presentation Skills Training

Never has it been more important for your technical presentations to be audience-centric, clear, concise, and credible. For technical presentations to audiences both inside and outside of your organization, this sales communication and sales presentation training program builds the skills needed to reach high levels of technical communications excellence – consistently and naturally – even with the most complex subject matter.

Presenting, Planning, and Delivering Virtual Presentations.

How can we make our virtual presentations better? That’s an increasingly common question heard from our clients. In response, this three-hour sales communication and sales presentation training on-line workshop is specifically designed to teach the best practices and skills that will increase your confidence and success when presenting in virtual environments.

Effective Business Presentation Skills.

Many top-performing organizations have built their presentation abilities into powerful competitive advantages. This proven two-day sales presentation training workshop is focused on developing your presentation skills into a significant business advantage for you and for your organization.